Friday, November 19, 2010

Follow my blog

For those who just discovered my blog. I have chosen to back date all the events, that I have undertaken in our construction process. I have uploaded a heap of photos without descriptions. I will do the best I can to remember the event and document them. Not only have I realised that this helps me remember stuff, but I can put it back onto the builder later as proof and evidence.

Some of you might remember that I used facebook to document stuff, but it ends up being tedious with inviting followers, so I feel this is easier and available to the public. The good thing about this blog is that there are plenty more photos to looks at.

Thanks for following me. Jay

Edited on the 22/11/2010 - I have added as much description as I could remember to all blogs.

1 comment:

Robert Richmond said...

Hi Jay,

Excellent! I'll be spending a couple of hours looking at this tonight! :)